Sunday, July 6, 2008


So - as I'm sure no one will read this (except my sister - hi) i find it lame and lamer to have a *welcome* post - but here is my welcome post. All things have a beginning and most things have an end. This is the beginning of my crafty bloggage.

as it goes on and on - remember one thing - life's tough, wear your helmet.

1 comment:

Kelli Weaver said...

LIFE IS tough. You bit my line. That's the advice I always give the kids. Wear your helmets!

Well sidecars are for Bitches so I started a blog of my own. It's called Hook, Line, and Stinker. It's going to be all about my crochet(Pronounced "Crotch-It") endeavors, craft outbreaks, Nintendo addiction, Hello Kitty compulsive disorder, and being with Billy.

I'll send you a link as soon as I get it all ready.