I knew you could do it. You're the shit Erin! I was just telling Billy about your gift of textile manipulation and how you've been whipping up our hearts desires for as long as I can remember. I told him about the running shorts you made for Dad when he ran the marathon. He didn't get to see Maggie's Jobie dress you made. I told him how good it came out.
I was at Mom's last night showing Maggie how to make the second row of stitches on top of the foundation chain. Mom found a new skein of that cotton yarn, complete with the paper, poking out of my bag. She liked that one. Then I urged her to pick out a hook. Sight unseen, she chose purple. I found her a purple hook. That's when it happened. The TV got turned off, and we had a little Stitch 'n Bitch. Only thing missing was you.
Assistant Manager of Everything, and Commander in Chief of the playing hookie at work unrest. I am also the Ant-bee which gives me abilities matched only by those which you call superheros.
I knew you could do it. You're the shit Erin! I was just telling Billy about your gift of textile manipulation and how you've been whipping up our hearts desires for as long as I can remember. I told him about the running shorts you made for Dad when he ran the marathon. He didn't get to see Maggie's Jobie dress you made. I told him how good it came out.
I was at Mom's last night showing Maggie how to make the second row of stitches on top of the foundation chain. Mom found a new skein of that cotton yarn, complete with the paper, poking out of my bag. She liked that one. Then I urged her to pick out a hook. Sight unseen, she chose purple. I found her a purple hook. That's when it happened. The TV got turned off, and we had a little Stitch 'n Bitch. Only thing missing was you.
"Only thing missing was you."
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